// tAI // show “10 Years Of (life at the Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction)”

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Opening Friday 29 April 2016, 6 – 11pm

The AnteRoom, serving as LAMART OFFSPACE, Kattenberg 93, 2140 Borgerhout – Antwerp

Open 29 april – 15 May 2016 on Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 6pm

See also www.lamart.be

The research programme of the Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction is concerned with the way human beings deal with the uncertain, the complex and the unknown in social and political interaction. The basis of the research is a critical theory that targets strategies of positivism, populism and conformism in social, cultural, scientific, economic or political contexts, but the programme essentially wants to go beyond critical analysis as such. The aim is to research alternative human interaction modes that go beyond the traditional confirmative patterns of our current co-existence. The Institute claims that the human being would in principal be able to nurture an idle curiosity ‘at the peripheries of social cohesion’, and live an alternative life inspired by the aesthetics of ambiguity in private social interactions and by the ethics of transparency in public political interactions.

The Institute of Idle Curiosity for Elements of Seduction was officially established in April 2006, after a dark period of disorder, doubt, dysfunctionality and chaos. Over the last 10 years, many people have come to the Institute to wander, reflect, drink and talk. Some stayed, others left again. But they will come back.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Institute, the AnteRoom opens its doors for an exclusive insight into the daily life at the Institute. The public will have a unique opportunity to see research artefacts and documents that normally never leave the archives. In addition, a photo screening specially made for this occasion will show scenes from the life of the researchers that were never shown before. The soundtrack with the screening was created by TRAGIC REALIST FICTION (Juliane Borths and Gaston Meskens) especially for this occasion.